International Student

International Student

Why Study in Horizon Karawang?

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Where we are Located 5 Continents. 34 Countries.

Home to over 866,000 people, Cebu is the oldest and fifth most populated city in the Philippines. It was the first Spanish settlement, founded in 1565, and was the first capital of the country. Today it retains landmarks from its colonial past, the most famous of which is Magellan’s Cross. As Cebu continues to become more and more urbanized, its popularity has continued to increase. To thousands of people, it has served as the perfect mix of city life’s comforts and provincial life’s simplicity and beauty. The city is also a safe and secured haven for locals and tourists as it landed 8th place in the 2018 Top 10 safest cities in Southeast Asia. It is also an accessible (with an international airport) center of commerce, trade, and education, with 11 large universities and international schools, to include Southwestern University PHINMA.

Visa Requirements

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Application for a temporary visitor’s visa must be made in person. In the case of a minor under eighteen (18) years of age, the application may be made for him by a person who, in the opinion of the consular officer, is responsible for his/her welfare. The minor, not an infant in arms, shall be required to appear at the Consulate for interview, together with the person making the application for him/her. Applicants for temporary visitor’s visa should normally apply at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate that has jurisdiction over their place of residence. While some visa applicants may apply at any Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad, others are only allowed to apply his/her visa at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in his country of origin or legal residence. The following are the minimum requirements for applying a temporary visitor’s visa:

  1. Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
  2. Duly Accomplished Visa application forms;
  3. Passport Photos (2 pieces);
  4. Proof of bona fide status as tourist or businessman;
  5. Confirmed tickets for return or onward journey to the next port of destination; and
  6. Payment of Visa Fees


In case of a temporary visitor’s visa holder whose stay in the Philippines will exceed the authorized period of stay, he/she will have to report to the Bureau of Immigration, secure an extension of stay and pay the corresponding immigration fees. Information on fees for extension of stay and other Immigration fees are available at the Bureau of Immigration website (

Admission Requirements

  1. Official Transcript of Records with Red Ribbon (3 copies)
  2. Police Clearance
  3. Affidavit of Support with Bank Statement
  4. Photocopy of the pages of your passport
  5. Personal History Statement
  6. Quarantine Medical Examination Results

Enrollment Steps

  1. Send scanned copy of the transcript of record for evaluation to
  2. Secure Notice of Acceptance (NOA) issued by the Registrar.
  3. Comply with all admission requirements & bring them to the Department of Foreign Affairs of the country of origin for red ribbon.
  4. Book a flight and present the certified document (red ribbon) to the Registrar’s Office.


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