D3 Midwifery

D3 Midwifery


D3 Midwifery


Menghasilkan Ahli Madya Kebidanan yang mengutamakan keselamatan pasien dan unggul dalam tatalaksana kegawatdaruratan maternal neonatal sampai tahun 2024.


  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan  stastandar pendidikan tinggi

    1. Menyelenggarakan penelitian di bidang kebidanan yang staberkesinambungan dalam praktik kebidanan
    2. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk stameningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat.
    3. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama yang strategis, sinergis, dan staberkelanjutan dalam lingkup pendidikan, penelitian dan stapengabdian masyarakan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat.


  • Praktik mandiri bidan
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Konselor (termasuk penyuluh dr remaja, hamil, bersalin, nifas, keluarga berencana, bayi balita dan anak pra sekolah)
  • PPPK
  • PNS
  • Bekerja di puskesmas, klinik / rumah Bersalin dan Rumah sakit, dll

Dedicated to train and educate high-quality Indonesian healthcare workers, STIKes Horizon Karawang provides students with practical skills for working at local and global healthcare institutions. Students can choose Nursing or Midwifery studies, both of which are educated with an emphasis on meeting the National Higher Education Standards and produce graduates who have expertise in their fields with K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) and emergency excellence and meet industry standards.
Another STIKes Horizon Karawang advantage is providing the necessary training in hospitals or in healthcare institutions such as prevention and control of Nosocomial Infections and patient safety/ Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs), Disaster Management training, as well as the ability to know HIV status and the counseling process for those at risk of contracting HIV through Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) training.
STIKes Horizon Karawang provides students access to the essentials skills needed to work in hospitals and other healthcare institutions in emergencies and OS&H situations, so that graduates are able to work locally and globally through hands-on training.



The D3 Nursing program trains students for 6 semesters (3 years). Students learn the skills needed to be nurses in clinical and community settings, with training in the competencies needed for Occupational Safety and Health (K3), and Emergency Management. Completion of the program entails graduating with the title of Associate Expert in Nursing (Ahli Madya Keperawatan).

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S-1 Nursing

The S1 Nursing program trains students for 8 semesters (4 years). Students are equipped with skills and knowledge needed to provide professional, ethical, culturally-sensitive, and holistic nursing care. This program includes Application of Nursing Care, Occupational Safety and Health (K3), and Advanced Emergency Management. Completion of the program entails graduating with the title of Bachelor of Nursing (Sarjana Keperawatan).

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The D3 Midwifery program trains students for 6 semesters (3 years). Students are taught the skills and the knowledge for the essential care of pregnant women from childbirth to childrearing. Training includes experience in maternal deliveries and neonatal procedures in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) and professional code of ethics in the health service setting. Completion of the program entails graduating with the title of Associate Midwifery Experts (Ahli Madya Kebidanan).

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Professional Nurse

The Nurse Profession Study Program is further education after taking the Nursing Science Study Program (S1). Students are trained for 2 semesters (1 year) and graduated with a Nurses’ (Ns) degree. This program equips students with the mastery needed for them to deliver health education, client advocacy, and health care based on legal-ethical standards.

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STIKes Horizon Karawang

The STIKes Horizon Karawang campus is fully-equipped with the appropriate facilities needed to provide high quality medical education. From fully air-conditioned lecture halls to a library with a plethora of resources, students are given the tools they need to become well-educated health professionals.



Jl. Pangkal Perjuangan, By Pass No.KM 1, Tanjungpura, West Karawang, Karawang Regency, West Java 41316, Indonesia

STIKES Horizon Karawang is now accepting applicants

Become a Global Indonesian and receive a quality education at STIKES Horizon Karawang — College of Health Sciences! Learn critical skills in healthcare and create an impact locally or globally with our industry-standard practices and technology. You can also apply for a 30% scholarship until graduation through our Family Scholarship program!